Traumatic Experiences And Addiction Problems
Psychological trauma most often occurs in someone who has lived through an event or situation that may have been particularly stressful. So much so that they struggle to cope with it by themselves and need professional help to guide them through the experience. In some cases where help isn’t sought out, the person suffering from the trauma may look for ways to cope on their own.
Many studies have been able to tie substance abuse with a traumatic experience. This may have happened in childhood and even during adulthood. The loss of a loved one, abuse or even war has all been linked in people who suffer from substance use disorders and addictive behaviours.
It is often these emotional fluctuations that lead people to use drugs or act in inappropriate ways in order to feel better or to simply forget for a little while. Whenever the feeling of anxiety or fear surfaces, a person will try to look for a way to clamp down on them. Using illicit drugs or alcohol gives them a moment of ‘peace’, allowing them space where they don’t have to think about all the hurt they are otherwise feeling.
Did you know that 2 out of 3 addicts have experienced some form of physical or sexual abuse in childhood?
Starting the healing process
Nurture Health rehabilitation centres offer addicts and those suffering from addictive behaviour, like gambling, a chance to deal with the trauma so that they may better understand their addictions. The trauma needs to be fully understood before any healing can take place and only then can the addiction or addictive behaviour be addressed. Professional counselling can offer insight to a patient and help them to start the process of recovering from their trauma, stopping the cycle of feelings of disrepair.
It is absolutely crucial that a person who has experienced a traumatic event get professional guidance on how to manage the aftermath during their day to day living. Whether the trauma is a one-time event or reoccurring, there are ways to manage it with the goal of restoring their lives for the better. If a person turns to addiction, the road becomes longer and harder to walk, but still not undoable. Even though addiction offers a brief respite, the best solution is to deal with it in a healthy and loving way.
Nurture Health offers all of their clients trauma counselling on a case to case basis. We believe that the solution for many addicts is to fully bridge the traumatic experience through professional guidance while taking on the addiction in a safe and judgement-free environment. If you have a loved one or you yourself is suffering from addiction, contact us for our full recommendations and to find out what we can do to help.
We do addiction treatment well, and we can help you.
We exist to inspire you, to support and to equip you to lead the life you can. We are devoted to making it possible for you to be happy and fulfilled.
That’s what we do, that’s why we come to work every day and that is our commitment to every person who comes to us. We do not judge, we do not blame, we only lend a hand to empower you.
Most importantly, you WILL get your life back and you WILL be able to rebuild strong, healthy relationships with your loved ones!
Nurture Health Recovery and Wellness Facilities in South Africa
Bloemfontein, Free State
Nurture Woodlands
Recovery and Wellness Facility

Nurture Health Recovery and Wellness Hospitals are Nurture Health facilities and exist to inspire, support and equip patients to lead happy and fulfilled lives.
Find out more about Nurture Health and the other Nurture Health Hospitals in South Africa.
Nurture Health Recovery and Wellness Facilities are registered with the Department of Health and the Department of Social Welfare. They are also members of the National Hospital Network and the Psychiatric Focus Forum.