“Wellness can be defined as purposeful, enjoyable living or, more specifically, a deliberate lifestyle choice characterized by personal responsibility and optimal enhancement of physical, mental, and spiritual health”
– Hales (2009)
For people with mental health & substance abuse conditions, wellness is not the absence of disease, illness or stress; BUT presence of purpose in life, active involvement in satisfying work and play, joyful relationships, a healthy body and living environment = happiness.
We exist to inspire you, to support and to equip you to lead the life you can. We are devoted to making it possible for you to be happy and fulfilled.
That’s what we do, that’s why we come to work every day and that is our commitment to every person who comes to us. We do not judge, we do not blame, we only lend a hand to empower you.
Nurture Health has a scientific and medical approach to wellness and mindfulness. You will work with a team of professional people who have been handpicked because they all share our reason for existence – to inspire you, to support you and to equip you to lead the life you can and want to live.
Our team includes; psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers, biokineticists, dieticians and nursing staff that create, implement and monitor treatment programs catered to each patients’ needs.
Every day, you will be part of a group of people where you get to share similar challenges in a safe environment. Together you will take part in a busy program we have designed with our committed goals of assisting you to recover and to equip you to live a fulfilled life.
We will give you the RIGHT assistance that will stop you from feeling overwhelmed and out of control. Patients in our recovery program will learn to make better choices and replace old, destructive behaviours with new, healthy habits.
Our wellness units help patients face the challenges of:
- Depression
- Bi-polar
- Anxiety
- Trauma
- Stress related conditions
What To Expect
You will experience comfortable accommodation, good food and a safe and secure environment, but you will work hard during the time you are with us.
Upon arrival, patients are given a detailed guide so that they are familiar with the programme of activities and given an orientation session where they have an opportunity to discuss their treatment.
Why We Are Good At What We Do
We firmly believe in a patient-centred approach by utilising “Wellness” as a model and incorporating experiential learning as one of the pillar techniques.
Our patient-centred approaches help people to live better lives. That means having:
- Support and understanding
- A purpose
- A meaningful day/week
- Family, friends and acquaintances that can provide love and support
- Self-awareness that can lead to self-acceptance
- Growth and self-development
- Social groups to belong to and share with
- People that treat you as an individual and worthy equal
- Control over the direction of one’s life and future
- Good health
- A belief system based on own values and choices
- Safety, security and justice